4th of July
July 10, 2024

Getting into our Country’s Birthday Celebration was as much fun as the actual celebration itself.

I had my nails done to give me an extra boost.  Shopping for the 4th of July BBQ and sending out invitations was also part of the process. Planning where the children were seated and lining up the games for entertainment was great fun.

The BBQ menu was hot dogs, hamburgers, potato salad, chips of course, sweetcorn on the cob, and many desserts,

The desserts were decorated with blueberries, strawberries and whipped cream.  We had two pies, lots of cupcakes with flags on them, and cookies with red, white and blue icing. The kids really enjoyed the cupcakes. You could tell by their many colored faces.

Kelly brought soccer balls and the nets.  Danielle  brought a bean bag game.  Nancy brought new magnetic balloons that are re-usable, she found on-line, We filled a little kid’s swimming pool with water to fill the balloons. The balloons were so much fun and easy to use.  They exploded when an object was hit, but the balloons were easy to refill and use again. All the kids and adults had a hilarious time.  Towels were passed around after everybody was sopping wet. Next time we will have the kids wear bathing suits under their clothes.

We fashioned a small parade on the spur of the moment, using items around the yard. Tricycles, wagons, dogs pulling carts and bicycles with paper rattles in the wheels and napkins in the spokes. Flower pots were used as hats. Garden tools became swords and decorative weapons. Flags were waved as the parade went by. The kids really enjoyed themselves and the ideas they came up with were impressive. The neighbors were so funny. They had to join our parade because they said we were having too much fun and needed to share.  We gave them all a big hand!

Of course, what is the 4th without fireworks? We started the kids out with age appropriate fireworks while it was still light out. That way the parents could see and supervise their use of the items. Then after dark, the adults had their fireworks display.

A good time was had by all!